"When I first met the folks from Harren, I recall being impressed by their emphasis on complete alignment with me and our AGI team. My management group and our partners at Harren have an identical form of ownership which means risks and rewards are exactly the same. That alliance allows each decision to be made from the perspective of increasing shareholder value."

Tony Romeo
CEO of Alliance Ground International

Harren Equity Partners typically invests in companies with $20 million to $200 million in revenues. Within this market, Harren targets companies that demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • Strong and proven management team
  • Organic, acquisition, or market-driven growth potential
  • High demonstrated return on operating capital
  • Defensible market position
  • High degree of predictability regarding product life cycles

Harren professionals have experience partnering with management teams in a broad range of industries. Regardless of their particular industry focus, the companies within our targeted market generally face similar resource constraints and management challenges associated with growth. As a result, our extensive experience in working with similarly sized companies allows Harren to make successful investments across a wide spectrum of industries.
